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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two Embies on Board!

The transfer went smoothly and I now have two of our little embies on board.

Shortly after arriving at the U of I we were taken back to the procedure room and waited for our meeting with the embryologist.  While waiting the nurse told us we could play some music if we wanted. So, Steve was going through their CD selection and along with Classical Relaxation and John Mellencamp (strange?) Steve found Norah Jones- how perfect...her song 'Come Away with Me' was our first dance at our wedding. 

We met with the embryologist and she showed us pictures of our three little embies and told us which two she suggested for transfer.  All three were graded as perfect! Two were 8 cells and one was 10 cells.  She said the two 8 cell embryos would be the best choice and that she would continue to grow the 10 cell until day 6 and if it is still viable it will be frozen for future use. Here are the two that are relaxing in my baby palace right now.

Embie #1

Embie #2

And here is our 10 cell embie that is still growing away at the U of I

Embie #3
The most amazing part was watching our embryos being transferred.  Dr. Duran was explaining everything that would happen and the nurse was pointing things out on the screen and told me we would see a flash of white when the embryos were put in.  We were all staring at the screen so intently and the ultrasound tech let out a cheer when the flash of white showed up on the screen.  I have now seen my embryos inside me and there is nothing like it.  The joy I felt can't be described. 

Now we wait...and the waiting is the hardest part.  My pregnancy test is scheduled for February 11th and I am hoping this will be the best Valentines present Steve and I could ever ask for.



  1. Grow embies grow... and implant too!

  2. Yay, you are PUPO!!!!! Feb 11th seems like forever away!!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  3. So happy it worked out well and I am praying for your babies!

  4. Go you little embies, have a sticky 8 months!

  5. I'm so glad the transfer went well for you. It must be an awesome feeling to see that flash of white! :)
    Best wishes and GOOD LUCK!!

  6. that is awesome! congrats on being PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise)! hoping that the test on feb 11 is +... that is my dh's birthday so maybe he will be good luck!

  7. Oh I'm so happy for you, Bridget! Enjoy that bedrest!

  8. So happy to hear it went well!

  9. Sounds like everything went well and hope you also get the best Valentine's present ever!!! Good Luck!!! Staying tuned...

  10. rest well!!!!! soooooo exciting!!!! keep the faith!

  11. Your babies look great and I agree, the flash of white is the BEST feeling!

  12. What an exciting time!! Wishing you a speedy 2 week wait, followed by a positive test! Glad things went so well for you!

  13. Wow, congrats to the transfer. I'm too getting nervous for you =)

  14. Those embryos are beautiful!!! Stick, embies, stick! :)

  15. Congrats on such a wonderful transfer! It can often be stressful and overwhelming, but your experience sounds perfect. Which I believe is the key to success. Rest up and let the countdown begin :)

  16. Congrats!! I hope your embies stick and grow, grow, grow!!!!

  17. Oh the excitement! You have every reason to be hopeful. I am happy for you and wish you a successful pregnancy!


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