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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Party in a Petri Dish

9 eggs were retrieved today with 8 of them mature.  They are currently having a party in a petri dish and I am praying for excellent little embryos.

U of I is a great place.  Everyone is so nice, helpful, friendly....everything you hope for when you're scared and unsure.  I was taken back to the procedure room and the nurses were joking with me (trying to relax me I'm sure) about how tall I am, how great my socks were (Go Steelers!) and how much they loved my hair.  I'm a sucker for flattery and soon enough I was relaxed and ready to go (I'm sure the drugs helped as well). Dr. Duran did my retrieval which I was very happy about since he did our initial consultation and we really really like him.

My Steelers socks
A quick nap later and I was back in the recovery room asking Steve how many eggs they retrieved and if they looked good.  Pretty sure I asked Dr. Duran if they looked good a few times.  Then I realized how painful my lower abdomen was...thank goodness for tylenol with codeine.

Tomorrow we will get our embryo report and with Steve and I being the overachievers that we are, we are expecting no less from our little embryos.  The transfer will either be on Day 3 (Sunday) or Day 5 (Tuesday).  Fingers crossed for day 5!!

Thank you for all of the well wishes and prayers- we appreciate it more than you know.



  1. that is great news!!! praying for a wonderful fert report now!

  2. Glad to hear things went so well! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for a great report tomorrow!

  3. Wow, great numbers!!!!!
    Can't wait for the numbers on the Fert report!!!!

  4. I don't know if I can hope any harder or cross any more fingers and toes but I'm gonna try. I love you so much and I am really pulling for you guys! So proud. So overwhelmed. And so hopeful. Love you.

  5. Yay! Congrats on a great retrieval! I'll just think of those as Hawkeye socks since I'm a Seahawks fan. :)

    Still, awesome socks!

  6. Excellent report! Love the socks! Praying for you and your embryos!

  7. Good report, glad to hear things went well.

    The socks and Christa's comments triggered a memory of reading somewhere that you are in the quad cities somewhere and that your U of I is University of Iowa in Iowa City. I had to check back on some of your old posts to be sure though.

    I spent 4 years there for graduate school in the little speech and hearing center right next to the hospital near the parking garages. I also did several rotations through the Otolaryngology department in that hospital. One of my really good friends still works there. What a great facility to be able to go to!!!

    If they still have it, go enjoy a little chocolate cream/mousse cake (for me) in the big cafeteria next time you find yourself there.

  8. Great numbers! Cheering for you!

  9. Great numbers, and glad it went well! 8 of mine were mature also, so maybe it's a lucky number!

  10. WooHoo!!! So happy for your good lil embabies :)

  11. That's fantastic!!! Glad everything went so well.

  12. Here in Naperville we're all hoping that the Baby Palace will soon encase the most wonderful additions to your family.

  13. So exciting! I have never been through the IVF process myself. But do have friends who have. I will pray for a perfect lil outcome!
    Cheers to new friends!

  14. yippppeeee!!! I KNOW THE STEELER SOCKS WILL HELP! hey 8 eggs and 8 trips to the superbowl? can't be a coincidence :) so happy to hear that you are comfortable with the doctors and staff. we are all cheering for you!

  15. It sounds like you are in good hands. That's makes a big difference to it all. Can't wait for updates..

  16. good luck! hope it works out for you! Nice socks - I find it helps to wear that special something that gives you a lift in these procedures!
    Oh and I love the pic of your stork! so funny thanks for the laugh!


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