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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I've been trying so hard to be positive...mind over matter and all that jazz.  But today I feel like I've been hit by a bus.  Everything hurts. I'm exhausted.  My head feels like it's in a vice. I've got bruises everywhere. And my stomach is huge. 
I hate Repronex.

Ok enough complaining. Tomorrow will be  better. Right??



  1. Aww, that sounds awful. I hope it gets better!

  2. oh gosh...this too will pass. I am sorry today was a bad day...hoping tomorrow is better!

  3. Just started following you and caught up on old posts at lunch today. Sounds like a crap day...hope things start looking up for you.

  4. Hope it gets easier. Hang in there!

  5. Hope today is better! Hang in there.

  6. Thank you for the support- it really helps!

  7. Hope today is better! If it makes you feel better I sat behind my desk all day today because there was no way I could button my pants :) Gotta love the bloating from these meds!

  8. I've been thinking of you and I know firsthand how much Repronex blows. We are so not friends. And I have no right to tell you to keep positive but because I'm on the other side of the transfer now, I can say that the pain will subside, the bruises will heal (unless you start doing Heparin injections 2x/day) and Repronex doesn't last forever. I'm glad things are moving along for you!


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