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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's trigger day!

Just got the call I've been hoping for- it's trigger day!

Today at my ultrasound the nurse said I have 12 follicles altogether with 10 ranging from 10mm- 21mm and the other two are pretty close to 10 so hopefully they will continue to grow until Thursday. I was happily surprised that all of my follicles grew quite a bit over night.

Tonight I get the trigger shot that will mature the follicles so they are ready to be retrieved on Thursday.

I feel pretty good today. I can button my pants (barely) so that's a plus and there is some definite pressure and growth in my belly.  I hope the pressure goes away after the retrieval.

The nurse suggested I get some fun socks to wear for my two upcoming procedures (I'll take any excuse to go shopping). I loved Christa's socks for her recent retrieval and I found this website but I'm pretty sure it's too late for me to sign up.

One step more Lupron, Follistim or exciting!



  1. will be praying for a great retrieval report!

  2. Enjoy your shot free day tomorrow and good luck!!! I don't know how active the Fertility Socks website is, I signed up and offered to send a pair and never heard from them. It's best to just do a switcheroo with your bloggy friends. I'd send you some if it weren't too late!!! Good luck girlie!!!

  3. Congrats on the trigger and thanks for the socks shout out!

    You know I bought like 10 pairs of cutie patootie socks (brand new of course) prior to the IVF cycle and I'd be happy to send some your way in the mail if you email me your address. They might not be there in time for the retrival but they will be by transfer day...

    It's okay to say no but it'd be my pleasure to support another Iowan going through IVF!

  4. And I'm a moron:

    email is

    I'll mail some to you tomorrow (but only if you want me to) for you to pick from and pass on!

  5. congratulations!! wishing you only the best and hope the funky fertility socks help!

  6. I saw your blog on a blogroll and have been following your story. Happy Trigger Day! I hope that you have a great ER and get lots of good quality eggs! (My DD is an IVF baby.)

  7. Contests on the bouquet of follies you produced, awesome...and yay for trigger!!!! I had friends buy & send fertility socks to's fun to have them for all the u/ s appointments....definitely grab yourself a pair if you can (seeing how its too late for us to send them before ER) xoxoxoxoxox

  8. Congrats on the trigger!

    I had a pair of St. Patrick's Day socks--bright green with dark green clovers all over them. I'd never worn them (they were still stapled together at the toes even!) but I dragged them out for retrieval. They worked so well I used them for transfer too! Waiting for the result there...

  9. Yay for trigger day! Hoping the retrieval goes well.

  10. Good luck! Hope everything goes well :) Well done on making it this far!

  11. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind words. I am thinking of you and hoping everything works out!

    As for Teen Mom, it's like watching a trainwreck. I can't stop. I wrote about it. I think it will make you laugh:

  12. So happy those ovaries are behaving :) Good luck thursday and make sure you have gatorade, books, your computer, tv, magazines and a good, reliable bell to ring when you need something bc you will want to rest that day :)

  13. Best of luck to you on Thursday and have fun sock shopping!!! Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts your way! :)

  14. Great progress! May you find the perfect pair of socks!

  15. Wow, this is good news. Best of luck!

  16. Here from ICLW...just wanted to wish you good luck with your retrieval!


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