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Sunday, February 6, 2011


(7 days past 3 day transfer)

I broke down and took a HPT (home pregnancy test) yesterday and today...BFN (big fat negative).  Cried both times, googled the shit out of HPT stats, asked Steve if he was sure he wanted to waste more money on a second IVF cycle, cursed my reproductive inadequacy and now here I am spewing it all over my blog trying to feel better.

I hate HPTs- because I never get a good result.  So why do I keep buying them?  Apparently I like to torture myself.  I am trying to convince myself that it's still too early....please, please, please be too early. 

On another note- our team is in the Superbowl today (Go Steelers!) 
Steve showed me this picture and I had to share it.


  1. Enjoy the Super Bowl today. We here in New England are pretending it's not happening!

  2. Cute picture!!!!
    If it helps at all, I got a BFN on 9dpo and then a BFP 5 days later! Don't give up hope yet!!!

  3. It's still REALLY early! Hang in there!!!

  4. Oh no, let's hope it's to early to test. Crossing my fingers for you!

    Cool picture =)

  5. It IS too early. Don't lose hope! HPTs are a curse, they are so tempting but they can be heart breaking.

  6. Sorry about the BFN, but as everyone said, it IS super early. Hang in there!

  7. Probably just too early - now you know the triggers out...Fingers crossed for a bfp soon!

  8. too early, way too early! stop torturing yourself- although you are not alone in doing it! I have tortured myself with OPK's for longer than I would like to admit!

    Great picture!!! I was born and raised in pittsburgh and the that is the biggest joke is that when we get our birth certificates we also get a terrible towel!!!

  9. It's pretty early, maybe don't trust the HPT just yet? How many days do you need to wait until beta?

    Stay strong and calm. I will be sending you all my best wishes! :)

  10. I'm still holding out tons of hope for you that you get your BFP! You definitely tested early, so try to keep that chin up and remain optimistic! AND, enjoy the game today!

  11. Breath's tooo early!!! I am betting in a few days that bpn will be a bfp!!! xoxo

  12. Hello! just started following your blog. Saw your Steeler's jerseys and already knew you were ok in my book! ;) It was too early to test, don't torture yourself!! Wait a few more days. & Go Steelers!

  13. Happy Super Sunday.

    I promise you, if any of the commercials feature expecting parents, you'll hear the scream all the way from Utah...

  14. i am praying it's just too early!!!

  15. Don't count yourself out yet!As everyone else has said-that sounds a little early, hang in there!!! love the photo :)

  16. This is why I didn't POAS but girl, it's too early! Your BFP will be here soon enough. Sorry to make you sad yesterday. :(

  17. too early, too early, too early. It's not over until the fat lady sings. Hoping that AF doesn't show!


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