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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 weeks old! (yesterday)

Emily is 2 weeks old!  In some ways, those 14 days went so fast and in other ways I feel like I've had her forever.  She is such a sweet girl and is already getting a little personality that I just love.

Today we had her first Dr. appointment and it went well.  She weighs 9lbs 1oz (up from 8lbs 2oz) and is 21 1/4 inches (up from 21 inches).  Everything looked good- we have a healthy, happy baby on our hands!

We have had a couple of rough nights this week.  For some reason Emily doesn't want to fall asleep after her 9:30/10:00pm feeding. After she eats she acts like she is still starving (rooting around and crying) and when I try to feed her more she doesn't want to eat.  She is wide awake and then gets very fussy and cries quite a bit.  When we finally get her to calm down and fall asleep we lay her in the bassinet and she wakes up and we start the whole process over again.  Last night she finally fell asleep at 2:00am.  Mom and Dad are very tired! 

She is not a fan of her swing or anything that requires strapping her in- so the car seat is not her favorite thing either.  She likes her play mat and staring at herself in the mirror.  She loves having her hair washed and the sound of running water. 

Steve and I are doing great, still getting into the groove of having a baby (I think it gets a little easier every day).  Everything takes just a little more planning and time but it is all so worth it.  We have never loved anything more than our little girl and we wouldn't trade these adjustments and sleepless nights for anything in the world.


  1. I loved this post!!! She is so beautiful!!! Hope that the nights become less restless very soon!!!

  2. Does she arch her back after you feed her? I feel like tons of babies have reflux and get fussy after they feed like that. Something to think about. She is gorgeous by the way, just gorgeous.

  3. Bridget...Emily is beautiful! Here's to hoping the sleeping situation improves soon.

  4. Fun to read an update from a new Mommy. :) Charlie and I are starting to freak out about this life change hitting us next month. Yikes!

  5. hope she finds a way to sleep happily to give mommy and daddy a break, lol.

    I just can't get over her hair it is just toooooooo cute!! SO glad you are doing well :)

  6. I love her hair, sooo adorable! I know how you feel, Aiden does pretty similar things at his night feedings. We found that he sometimes liked listening to the hair blower and DH would have to run the kitchen sink to get him to fall asleep. I would call your pediatrician for some ideas, they may know if it is reflux or not.

  7. I freakin' love her hair!!!

    Sounds like reflux or upset tummy to me. Hopefully she doesn't need meds or anything for it. I think they recommend just elevating the head of her bassinet a little from underneath. Not like a slide or anything, just a little so that she doesn't lay completely horizontal but rather butt lower than belly lower than head.

  8. She is sooooo beautiful! I hope things get smoother soon.

  9. you sound so happy! i love it! she really is a beautiful baby. such a little angel!

  10. She's adorable :))... hope your nights improve soon but your so right about not wanting to trade these adjustments and sleepless nights for anything in the world... I still say that to myself with a 3 year old :)) xoxo

  11. She is beautiful! Wow two weeks all ready!
    The sleep will get better!!!!

  12. She looks great and sounds like she is doing really well. Glad to hear that you and Steve are doing great too, even though you've had a few rough nights. (((HUGS)))

  13. She's so cute!! And what a big girl! Blakely was 8 pounds 6 ounces (eight seven at birth) at her two week appointment. It does sound like it could be reflux. B did that also and would make a horrible face. I elevated the head of her bed a little bit and I also hold her upright for about 20 minutes after her feedings...maybe this will help? Or maybe she just wants mommy and daddy snuggles :)


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