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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Due date fast approaching...

I'll be 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I don't think this little girl has any plans of coming on time.

We had our weekly midwife appointment today and there has been no change with my stubborn cervix.  When we were going through our IUI's and our IVF I remember the Dr. and nurses saying how "difficult" my cervix was and they had trouble with the procedures, but I didn't think anything of it at the time.  Last week it popped into my head to ask my midwife if this could be a reason that I'm not dilating and she thinks it could be. She called it cervical stenosis.

Thankfully, the non-stress test went well and baby girl is still active and having a great time in there.

So here we are, still waiting.  We will be going back next week to discuss induction if there still isn't any progress.


  1. I hope that you go into labor on your own but either way she'll be here soon!!!!!!!

  2. I had a dream that you had your baby next I call'd that day in the pool when betting...we were in Las Vegas at a conference. I don't know why you were there though.

    So I'm voting for Monday!

  3. Hopefully you are feeling okay, as I know so many women get to 40 weeks and are just plain miserable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that baby girl starts to make an appearance sooner rather than later. You are amazing!!

  4. Congrats on making it to 40 weeks! That little girl doesn't know what she's missing by waiting, you will be a fantastic mom! Do try and get as much sleep as you can or go do something fun for yourself in these next few days. I know everyone says that, but it's so true!

  5. Good Luck! I've been thinking about you. I was induced a week late with my first and all went well. I know it's uncomfortable but try your best to rest up! xoxoxo

  6. darn that stubborn cervix!!! hope that you can sit back and enjoy the weekend which I am sure will be full of anticipation!

  7. Hopefully she decides to make her appearance before next week!!

  8. Hope you won't need the induction! C'mon little one, it's time to meet the world =)

  9. Difficult cervix, haha! Yay for 40 weeks, but I'm sure you're ready to have that girl on the outside! Funny how much waiting you do to even get pregnant, while you're pregnant and then just to have that baby! Hope your cervix gets the memo soon :)

  10. I hope you are feeling okay also. I made it to 39 weeks with Isaac and it was time for him to get out then. I was induced at 39 weeks and it was a huge relief when he was out. I was 9 pounds and 22 in long though. Good Luck!

  11. i bet the past couple of weeks have felt longer than the past 8 months!

    Crossing my fingers and toes that your next post will be announcing baby girl's safe arrival!

  12. Oh, the suspense. Still, it's great news that your little one is all right. She's just taking her time, not wanting to rush...

  13. Wow... getting very close now :)) Looking forward to hearing all about her xoxo

  14. Good things come to those who wait:] So excited to hear about the days ahead, glad little girl is doing fine in there!


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