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Saturday, October 22, 2011

40 weeks 2 days

Guess what? I'm still pregnant. 40 weeks and 2 days to be exact, I guess you could say our stork is still lost!

To keep myself occupied, I've been walking every day and cleaning everything in our house.  Naps have been awesome and I went for a massage on Thursday. Last night Steve and I had our last pre-baby date night, we had a great time and spent most of the night talking about baby girl and trying to pin down her name. 

Our midwife called us on Thursday evening and said she had spoken to one of the doctors at the practice and they have agreed that if I don't go into labor on my own this weekend I will be induced on Monday/Tuesday.

This is a two step process.  We will stay at the hospital on Monday night and I will get cervidil to hopefully ripen my "difficult" cervix. Tuesday morning they will start me on an IV of pitocin to start contractions.  If all goes as planned we will have our baby girl in our arms on Tuesday!

Even though induction was not a part of our original plan, we know that we have to do whatever it takes to get our little girl here safely and if that means changing our plans then that is what we will do! 

Thank you all so much for your supportive comments and emails over the past few days, we appreciate it!


  1. How xciting, she will be here soon! I hope something happens this weekend, but if not how col to go to the hospital knowing that it will happen the next day!!!
    Enjoy your last few days!!!

  2. Hoping your stork gets back on track and finds you this weekend! (maybe he lost his GPS signal!) Can't wait for you to meet your baby girl!!

  3. See...I totally said Monday! I'm going to win the pool!

  4. Very exciting!

    Quick question - how come they're inducing so close to your EDD? My former OB and now my midwives all wait until 42w before inducing as long as all is looking good with momma and baby. Just curious!

  5. She is just days away! Can't wait and so excited for you! :)

  6. At our practice they normally induce around 41 weeks. With my cervical stenosis and a little higher blood pressure my last couple of visits they decided to schedule me for Monday/Tuesday.

  7. Can't wait for your "she's here" post! So excited for you!!

  8. Whether labor comes on its own this weekend or you get induced, you'll soon be meeting your baby! You can still be induced and have a happy vaginal birth. Bring lots of nice, relaxing music to the hospital. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you a safe delivery that comes as closest as possible to your original birth plans.

  9. AHH!!! I'm so eager for you!!! Sending many prayers for much health, safety, protection and happiness for all of you - and especially you and your little miracle!!! :) I can't wait to see pictures!!! I've been so excited for her arrival!!!

  10. Last weekend before baby!! So thrilled for you!

  11. All that matters is the end result. Healthy Baby Girl & healthy Momma! I am dying for the "she's here" post and pictures too! Best of luck to you guys!

  12. I know how you must be feeling about going past the due date and being induced. My son was induced at 40w6d. I've got my fingers crossed it doesn't cone to that, and that your lil angel comes on her own this weekend! :)

  13. Oh wow! Just a few days now..

  14. you just sound in great spirits and I will be spending the next few days sending my thoughts and energy towards you all! can't wait to hear everything!

  15. I am so excited for you! I know how excited you feel to meet your sweet girl...I can't wait to see pics. I will be thinking of you!

  16. Your stork will not be lost for very much longer. Hang in there!

  17. I am praying for a fast and easy delivery! She will be here soon! I can't wait to pics. Many hugs!

  18. Hope your induction goes smoothly! I can't wait to hear when she is here! Good luck!

  19. Has the stork delivered? Sending prayers your way right now! Can't wait to hear about her arrival!


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