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Thursday, March 22, 2012

life is good.

I've been a terrible blogger lately. But aaahhhh spring is here and it is beautiful.  I'm spending all the time I can outside with my girl or inside playing with the breeze blowing in the windows. Magic I tell ya.

We are getting out for walks twice a day when we can.  It's so fun to watch Emily looking around at all the big things in the world around her.  She stares at things, amazed and I stare at her, in love.

Emily is finding her voice.  She lays on her blanket yelling and squeaking, seeing how high her voice will go.  And then there are the giggle fits that leave me laughing harder than she is...beyond good.

Her legs and feet are in constant motion with arms stretched as far out as they can go.  It looks like she's tap dancing and it takes me back to that feeling in my belly not that long ago.

I think she is working on teeth.  She has her hands, feet, and toys in her mouth at all times.  We got her a teething necklace and I think it works...or maybe I'm crazy.  Either way, we like it.

She loves...blankets over her face, kisses on her tummy, being only in her diaper, bath time, petting the cats, and my favorite thing she loves....her daddy. You should see her face when he walks in the room, it kills me every time.  She is a daddy's girl through and through.

Life is good.


  1. Oh my she really couldn't be any cuter! Enjoy that heavenly sounding weather you're having!

  2. So adorable and those glasses are too cute on her little face!

  3. I'm smiling. Blog vacations are allowed when life is that good.

    I love her hair. And much you described is currently happening with Taylor right now. Love it.

  4. Awww yea! I love pics of Em...she makes me smile!!! Thank goodness for spring right?!?!

  5. oh, how i love this post! SO sweet! she is absolutely precious. i am so happy that you're so happy and with an angel like that, how could you not be??? :)

  6. Look at that happy baby! I don't blame you for wanting to soak up the wonderful spring weather!

  7. I can absolutely understand why you've been busy. What a cutie!!

  8. She looks so happy with life! You guys have been busy and you deserve a blogging break. Sometimes I feel like I don't have much to say, or that I'm not interesting enough being a SAHM. I have decided though that since there aren't many people I hang out with here, that I'll just blog my random thoughts! I'm glad you guys are spending lots of time outside, we went for a walk yesterday and it was so beautiful out!

  9. So cute! Really, she just looks so happy!

  10. tearing up for sure . . . still dying to meet her- she is just so darn cute!!

    here's to daddy's girls- piper is right there as well!

  11. That Emily is such a happy girl! I love her big grins...and those sunglasses? I die!

  12. Look how happy and sweet she is!!

  13. This is such a fun age, isn't it? Mira is also finding her voice. I think it's so hilarious when she yells. We have the same pink sun hat, and it's also hilarious!

  14. So adorable, she looks like so much fun!

  15. She is so PRECIOUS! I just find myself sitting here smiling every time I visit your blog and see her pics!


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