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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sleep? Now I remember what that is...

Holy shit you guys, Emily slept through the night for the first time last night.  Well, she slept from 8pm-4am so I'm totally excited.

I admit that I used to sit here, exhausted, drinking my 3rd cup of coffee, reading your blogs about sleeping babies and wonder what the hell I was doing wrong!  Emily would go to bed at 7:00pm and wake up at 12:00am screaming, we would get her up and feed her and she would go back to sleep until 3:30 or maybe 4:00am and then wake up screaming again.  I was like, goodlordinheaven- why is she so hungry at night??  But this was our normal and we dealt with it.  Until last night....

I had been reading some info on (tons of good reflux info) and found out that reflux is the worst at night, even if the baby is propped up (am I the only one who didn't know this??).  I just figured the dose of prev.acid that I gave her in the morning lasted until the next morning...apparently not.  A lot of these moms give their babies their reflux meds at night before bed.  So that's what Steve and I decided to do....and guess what? It worked! She slept!!!!


  1. Wow! That is such a simple change, but I bet it makes a world of difference! We gave Maggie her meds twice a day, so it didnt matter, but man, I bet you are excited!!!!

  2. GREAT JOB EMILY!!! I hope she does the same thing for you guys tonight! We give Aiden his meds twice a day too, morning and right before bed. I'm SO thankful doctors invented medicine for our reflux babies! I bet you feel like a brand new woman!

  3. Oh hell yes!!! Way to go sweet E!!! I am sure you feel like a totally new person...I know that I did when B started sleeping. Who knew to give the meds at night?&#^&$!@&!??? Very good info to know! Hope she keeps this up :)

  4. Yay!!! More sleep for everyone around!

  5. Rock on Momma! So glad to hear that you got a full night sleep.

  6. Yay for a sleeping baby, and yay for a sleeping YOU! :)

  7. That is awesome! I had reflux when pregnant and it SUCKED so bad! I feel so bad that she (and you) have to deal with that. Let's hope tonight goes just as well!

  8. That's awesome! Mira in no way sleeps through the night. Not even close. *sigh*

  9. YES!! Glad you're feeling rested! Keep up the good work, Mom and Emily!

  10. Woot Woot!!! Feels amazing huh?!

  11. Yay, that's awesome that she slept through the night! It has to be such a good feeling to know that you figured out the issue. You've got this thing down!

  12. AWESOME! Wish I knew that! So happy you found something that works for you!

  13. Yay, looking forward to when we can post something similar! Go Emily! Yay Mom!

  14. That is awesome! So happy for you! YAY EMILY!!!!


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