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Friday, February 10, 2012

Research research research...

It feels like that's all I've been doing lately.  Trying to figure out torticollis, plagiocephaly, reflux and mspi (milk soy protein intolerance) and just trying to make my baby girl feel better by knowing as much as I can about what's going on with her.

We have been on neo.cate for about a week straight now (maybe longer, I can't keep track) and I think it's helping her.  She's less fussy, the red ring on her bottom is going away, the eczema on her face is getting better, and she is sleeping better.  Score one for me doing research. 

I've learned that reflux can be a symptom of mspi so I am hoping that once her system is healed with the neo.cate her reflux will go away. Her other symptoms of mspi are: chronic congestion, reflux, eczema, comfort eating (eating more than normal), and chronic irritability (colicky behavior).  Other symptoms that she doesn't have are- blood in her stools, weight loss, refusing to eat and asthma. 

Steve and I were pretty much in denial about Emily having a mspi but now that I've read so much about it, I realize that it is very common.  Many pediatricians don't know a lot about it, so it goes undiagnosed or babies are diagnosed with "colic" and sent on their way.  Thankfully, our new pediatrician listened to our concerns and discussed trying neo.cate to help Emily.

As far as the torticollis (twisted neck) and plageocephaly (flat head), Emily had her first at home PT appointment this week and she did awesome! Thanks to one of our neighbors, we learned that the state of PA offers at home therapy services for free to babies who qualify.  Since Emily was diagnosed with torticollis that was all we needed to get at home PT weekly- for free!! The therapist was so impressed with how strong she is- way to go baby girl!  She also doesn't think she will need a helmet for her plageocephaly since we caught it so early (score 2 for research) but we will keep an eye on it and discuss it again in a month. 

Of course, I can't write a post all about Miss Emily without a few pictures!


  1. Good for you for researching everything! Hopefully your girl will be feeling all better real soon. Emily is just so freaking cute! She is a perfect combo of you and your hubby.

  2. I really commend you for doing all of the research you have - just goes to show how good of a mom you are and that you will do anything for your little girl. It sounds like she has a combination of some not-fun things, but I really hope with the right formula, free PT (nice!!), and some hugs and kisses she will start to feel better really soon!

  3. It's so important to trust your mother's intuition and I'm glad you did all your research to find answers for Emily. That's amazing you are getting free PT for her! It sounds like things are going better. I'm so happy for you guys!

  4. I appreciate your comment... Hampton had blood in his stools starting from week 2 up until one week ago. We went to the dr and they did a culture and told me not to drink cow's milk. The culture tested negative and then a different doctor said it was just a tear and nothing to worry about. Right. I've worried and stared at every diaper (feel like a poop detective) and it decreased and (knock on wood) has been gone now for seven days. So, we don't really know why it ever happened and I wanted to ask the doctor today, but as you know from my post, that didn't go well. Ugh. It couldn't be the milk because he kept having it for weeks... but I'm still not going to drink any just to be sure. We have to do research. We are our baby's biggest advocates and our goal is for them to be healthy and happy. I am learning that the doctors don't know everything. The lactation consultant made me feel so much better about our baby's growth whereas the doctor made me feel like crap. This mama business is hard work but so worth it for our miracle babies. Keep up the good work and I'm sending virtual kisses to that baby girl's sweet cheeks right now:]

  5. and the hair just keeps getting better!!

    so glad that PA offers that!!!! what a gift

  6. What a great mom you are! Emily is so adorable!

  7. Your baby is beautiful! I'm glad your stork found his way. Mine is still lost...:( looking forward to following your journey into motherhood.

  8. Way to go with the research! I'm glad your hard work is paying off!

  9. So glad she is doing so well! So good you did so much research and found so much awesome info. She is just so beautiful it hurts!

  10. Yay for research! You definitely have to go with your instincts.

    So glad she's feeling a bit better already.

    She's a beauty!!!


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