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Thursday, November 21, 2013

4 years ago, I married the best man


I was just going through our wedding pictures and re-living our big day.  Everything was perfect and I will never forget it.  I remember so clearly, walking up behind you so that we could have some time before the ceremony.  You turned around and the look on your face let me know I was so loved.  And then you said, "Can I touch you??"- you always know how to make me laugh.

I can honestly say I love you more now than I did then.  I love you in a different, better way.  I love you as my partner and as the father of our kids.

We have been married 1,461 days.  We have been through countless ups and downs and we are still standing strong, together.  You are supportive of me during my best and worst days and I can't thank you enough for that. 

You are the kindest, bravest, strongest man I know.  I am blessed to be your wife and our kids are beyond lucky to have you for their dad. 

Thank you.  Thank you for choosing me.  I love you more than words can express.

"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."  ~unknown


  1. Awwww! So sweet! Happy Anniversary!

  2. This is crazy sweet girl!!! Happy Anni!

  3. Way to make me tear up. You two are so perfect for eachother. I am so glad you have eachother. A very happy anniversary!!

  4. Happy anniversary! Hope you two had a wonderful day together!

  5. tears. you two are meant for each other. and you kinda make gorgeous kids together too. :)

    happy anniversary.

  6. Beautiful! Happy anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 5th year.

  8. Happy belated anniversary! I hope you guys had a chance to celebrate! And your wedding pictures...oh my goodness! SO BEAUTIFUL!

  9. Congrats! and love those wedding photos- gorgeous.


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