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Friday, September 6, 2013

on going back to work

I've been working part-time at the family business for about a month now. I decided to get back to work after my post-partum depression and anxiety were starting to settle down.  It had occurred to me that all of my thoughts/energy were concentrated on the kids 100% of the time.  I was at home with one or both of the kids most of the time.  The kids were all I had to worry about - all.the.time.  And it was one of the reasons I was anxious.  I have high expectations, I'm type A, none of this is a secret.  So when I didn't have something to distract me from the anxiety that is motherhood, it had a negative effect on my sanity mental health. 

{Now let me say, this is just my situation.  I'm not implying that all stay at home mom's feel like this or have the same kind of problem I had.} 

So when I told Steve I might want to go back to work again, he suggested working at the family business.  (Have I mentioned that I am lucky enough to have a husband and in-laws that are supportive and willing to help in any way they can?) This work situation is perfect for so many reasons.  It's flexible,  it's low stress, and the bosses are pretty awesome.

At first, it was like- hold on, my brain is not used to thinking about something other than the kids.  I missed them so much that first week- even though I only worked two days. I still miss them when I'm at work, but each week has gotten easier and I am really enjoying my time away from home.  I'm learning something totally new and it's interesting work. 

I do get a little bummed that I'm not there to watch all the cool stuff they're doing. And squeezing things into the short time between the end of work and bedtime is difficult- it's like I blink an eye and it's time for them to go to bed.  But, all in all, it has been great for me.  And it's good for Emily & Gavin to socialize with other kids and learn to be away from me a little bit.  Emily loves school so much, she's making friends and she's learning a TON. And G-buddy is happy no matter where he is and he sleeps better at night when he goes to school so win, win.  We've got a good balance going here and I'm happy about that.

Passed out on the changing table at 6pm. School is hard work!

I love school!!


  1. I am glad that working is working. HA! I totally get the need to get out of the house and just do something different. Now that B is in school some I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. Besides sit in this recliner and read....oops.

    And I'll just say this. Being away from my child a little bit and knowing that she is being well taken care of and that she is learning makes me a better mom and wife. There is something to be said for that. We have to take care of ourselves too and I am proud of you for making yourself a priority. LOVE!

  2. So glad it is working! Avery loves school and sleeps better after she goes. I think she will be better prepared for school because of daycare. She still has rough drops occasionally but is fine witin a minute! Glad you are doing well!!!!!

  3. I'm SO happy you have found a perfect medium. I know I could never be a SAHM. It's just not in my cards, but I also find a 40 hour work week seems rough on me too.

    My husband just told me today that he wants to see if I can go to 4 days a week. It would be a much better balance.

    And yes, I think one of the reasons T is such a great sleeper is because school wears her out!! :)

    Happy for you, pretty lady.

  4. So glad to hear that things are looking up and that you have found a good balance and something that you like and look forward to doing.

    I'm just arranging my leave now as well as my return to work and I'm hoping to be able to find the same type of balance.

  5. I am so happy for you that this is working out!!! It really sounds like such a great mixture of still getting a lot of quality time with both kiddos, then also having that time away where you are focusing unsomething not kid related. I am so glad you have such wonderful in-laws (and that amazing husband of yours) who have helped to make this possible.

    As for school and toddlers... sooo good for them. Lids loves hers too and learns so much!! :) So glad I decided to send her a few mornings a week... for both of us!

    So happy for you!

  6. I am so happy that you are still enjoying work. That's great. All kids eventually love school. So happy to hear yours are enjoying it. It's amazing to see how much they learn.

  7. I knew you'd do such a great job juggling both working and being home. SO glad this transition has gone well, and that you are enjoying working. I love seeing pictures of the kids, and I've told you this before, but your kiddos look so darn happy! Must be a combo of you being a great mom, and the time they spend in school. They truly are getting the best of both worlds! Love you!

  8. I'm so glad everything is going well with your job! You all have looked so very happy lately!

  9. It sounds like you have a great arrangement now that allows everyone to be happy. I'm so glad this has worked out for you!


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