We are still getting packages from you wonderful bloggers and I will get a thank you post out very soon (or as soon as I have more than 2 minutes alone).
First, I need to get this post up before another month goes by.
On February 23rd Gavin turned one month old and it blows.my.mind.
He is such a good baby, calm and cuddly. He is sleeping about 3 hours between feedings at night and eats about every 2-2.5 hours during the day. He is already in 3 month clothes because he is so long!
Gavin had his check up with his surgeon at Children's last week and he is doing so well! 11 pounds and 22.5 inches long. There are still things we have to watch out for and we really have to be careful that he doesn't get sick during this flu season, but other than that he is just like any other baby. We are so thankful.
And, on February 25th Emily turned 16 months!
This is the month of the tantrum. They come on fast and without warning- if I'm holding Gavin and she wants my full attention, or she wants something and I don't know what she is trying to tell me, or just for no reason at all (at least that's how it seems). I am hoping this phase goes by quickly, it is tiring, let me tell ya.
When she's not throwing a full on fit, she is so funny and is learning like crazy! She still loves going to kindermusik and she looooves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (obsessed is probably a more accurate description). She is a great eater and is still taking two naps and sleeping about 10 hours at night. We have tried going down to one nap and it is not pretty. She's just not ready yet.
Her hair is getting long and it's beautiful! She is TALL and is often mistaken for older when we are out and about.
Having two kids is probably the hardest thing I've done in my life, but we are working our way through it and we are SO grateful to have these two amazing babies in our lives.