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Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm so in love!!  Today was our 20 week ultrasound and I think I held my breath the whole time.  I can't accurately describe the feelings that come with each ultrasound I've had...nervousness, anticipation, fear, excitement- all rolled into one big ball of emotions.

I had wondered for a long time if I would ever be in this place...20 weeks pregnant and looking at my very own little girl on an ultrasound.

It is truly amazing how much she has grown since we last saw her!!

We got to see the four chambers of her little heart, her kidneys, the hemispheres of her brain, her spine, stomach and of course the cutest little face, hands and feet I've ever seen!  

I think she's smiling :)

tiny hands and feet


Although this journey has been a tough one so far, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I know that sounds a little crazy but I have so much appreciation for this little life and the science that helped make her possible. We are blessed to have parents who helped us get here and we are forever grateful. 
I also can't thank Steve enough for keeping me calm (and sane) through everything that has been thrown at us.  He always knows when I need to be reminded of what great parents we are going to be.  I know I have said it before, but he is going to be the most patient and caring dad in the world.  I know this because that's what kind of husband he is; always reassuring and kind. 


  1. She is just so beautiful! And this whole experience makes her even MORE beautiful! I love how infertility brings on a sense of appreciation that we would not otherwise have. I have an ultrasound today and I am feeling the same emotions you felt...all rolled into one! :)

  2. She's beautiful Bridget!!! :-)

  3. You are so right, that baby is just perfect and beautiful.

    Thank you so much for continuing to share your journey with the blog world. It's gives me such hope that our dreams can come true!

    Happy 20 Weeks!

  4. She is absolutely beautiful and precious!!! She stole my breath and immediately elicited an "awww"! Congratulations on being halfway to holding her in your arms!!! So amazing!!!

    Thank you also so much for your referral to your friend's blog. We're so excited to be heading down this road and hoping to bring our children home soon!!!

  5. She is beatiful!!! I love that picture of her face and those little hands and feet!!!!!
    You will get to meet her in less than 20 weeks!!!

  6. Congrats on that halfway mark!!! So cool. :)

  7. Great pictures! Isn't it so fun to see your baby?! We had our 3D ultrasound today and got to stare at her for a whole hour - lots of pics and video to gawk over whenever we want.

  8. isnt it amazing how many measurements they take and everything they look at?! i was in awe the whole time, too. so glad she is looking totally healthy!!

  9. Hello there! I'm new to your blog. & your ultrasound was the first thing I saw. She is beautiful. What an angel. Wishing you many blessings :)

  10. Perfection is right! Such a blessing!

  11. Lovely! You'll be great parents to this little girl.

  12. She is so cute! I love little baby feet...that might be my favorite thing :) I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and I can't wait! You are is such a milestone to be in this place. Yay for healthy little baby girls!!!!!

  13. Wow amazing scan pics-and beautiful wee girl! xoxo

  14. LOVE the one of her smiling! i have on similar of this little one:-) precious!!!


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