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Thursday, June 30, 2011

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks today - 112 days to go! Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like this has all been a dream.  Steve and I are always playing the "remember when" game.  Remember when we were just starting injections?  Remember when we went for the retrieval? Remember when we got our BFP? I can't say it enough, I'm so thankful every day.

What baby is up to: Baby girl is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. She's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree".

She is still rolling around, kicking, and punching like a champ! I can tell she is getting stronger in there and it makes me so happy!

What we've been up to: Not a whole lot- we've been taking it easy since our trip to PA.  We did go to a consignment baby store last night and found a changing table that works perfectly in baby girl's room!  It was super inexpensive and we just couldn't pass it up!  Then we went to BRU and found a glider on sale for 75% off- another awesome deal!!

This weekend we have a lot of yard work and weeding to do in our flower beds (ugh, not fun) they have definitely been neglected.

Other than that we are just going to have a relaxing holiday weekend.

What we're looking forward to:  Our OB appointment next week, getting more done around the house and in baby girl's room, meeting my new niece (hopefully soon!!), and having another baby shower at the end of July ♥

Belly pic:


  1. Wow that changing table looks so nice!
    Congrats on the great deal on the glider, they are SOOO expensive.

  2. I love the changing table and chair. Great deals!! I can't believe you're already 24 weeks either. I'm sure the rest will just fly by!

  3. Those are some great finds!! She'll be here before you know it!

  4. I read your blog and every week can't believe how similar our journey's have been. I was just saying to Jeff the other day that every morning I wake up and at first think the whole pregnancy has been a dream.. until I try and roll over and remember I'm stuck like a turtle on it's back lol It's just a miracle to be able to experience this and I love being able to read your journey each week and compare :o) Looks like you got some great deals (always fun) and you are looking good mama!!

  5. You scored some great deals! Baby girls' room is coming together nicely!

    And you are looking lovely as always!

  6. Got to love a great deal! It is looking really good in there and your belly bump is just precious.

  7. what great finds!! hope you have a great weekend and get to enjoy the holiday weekend. I am so happy that you are enjoying each and every moment.

    thanks for your support yesterday. . . it is nice to know I have support. :)

  8. That changing table really is fantastic!

    I hope she plumps up, chubby babies are so cute.

  9. Looking good! We do the "remember when" game quite a bit....this whole thing is so surreal. Love reading your updates :)

  10. Her room is beautiful! Lovin' the bump - you're gorgeous as ever!

  11. I love that you always take your weekly picture in your baby's room. So cute.


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