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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

20 weeks!

How far along: 20 weeks, we are half way there and beyond grateful. 140 days to go (give or take a few).

Size of baby: Baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now, the size of a cantaloupe! She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against her torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of her head to her bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, she's measured from head to toe.)

Maternity clothes: Almost all maternity clothes at this point. Has anyone found a maternity swimsuit that they like?  I ordered one from Old Navy but the bottoms seemed too small and the top is a little short (maybe I should just stick to being fully clothed this summer).

Sleep: Still tossing, turning and getting up to go to the bathroom.  For some reason I get the best sleep when I take naps, so weekends are my favorite!

Best moment of the week:  Steve being able to feel her kick. Feeling her move and kick is the best feeling, it's comforting and it makes me smile ♥

Movement: I feel like this happened over night!  All that movement I was unsure of before was definitely her- it is amazing.  She is most active when I'm hungry and after I eat- she goes nuts in there!

Symptoms: On really hot and humid days I feel swollen all over- it's going to be a fun summer! 

Food cravings/aversions: Nothing new this week, still loving fruit, especially melon.

Gender: Girl ♥

Belly button in or out: Still in but getting shallow.

Stretch marks: Nothing new

What I miss: Nothing, I am beyond happy.

What I am looking forward to: Our 20 week ultrasound!! It feels like it's been so long since I've seen her.  I just hope everything measures how it should and she is growing big and strong in there.

Weekly wisdom: Don't stay out in the sun too long- on Monday I sat outside while Steve mowed, for about an hour or so and I was so dizzy and exhausted afterwards.

Belly picture:


  1. 20 weeks, isn't it crazy to be halfway there!
    Swelling will not be fun this summer, I hope it doesn't get too bad for you!!!

  2. Bridgey & Steve: I read this post and I get so emotional. I am so happy for you! I can't even really believe that in a few short months I'm going to be able to hold my niece. I love you both. Niki

  3. You are gorgeous!!! And halfway there!!! I love that she's kicking up a storm in there!

  4. I've been on the hunt for a good bathing suit too. At first I was just going to wear my normal two piece, but I'm not sure if I'd feel comfortable in it. You reached a milestone this week, yay!!!

  5. You look fabulous! Congrats on the halfway point!

    I'm thinking about just wearing a regular suit all summer but then I worry about being one of those people I said I'd never be. I'm also worried about the dark line I'm getting down my stomach. I sincerely hoped I'd avoid that but this will not be my fate. Not sure if sun will be great for it! Good luck with the suit.

  6. You look so cute! I just got back from vacation and I wore my regular bikini but I don't think I will be comfortable in it much longer. I'm going to have to find a maternity one.

    Isn't the movement awesome?!? And I agree it totally happened so fast. I love it and look forward to it every day.

    I need to get my 20 week post up but I am just exhausted so maybe tomorrow!

  7. Halfway, that is so great!!! Sounds like this little girl will definitely let you know when she's hungry, that's so cute! Good luck with the bathing suit search!

  8. halfway there and looking fabulous!!! you have such exciting things to look forward to each day!
    can't wait to hear about the Ultrasound!

    Wish i could help with the bathing suit, lol, but I vote anything with ruffles and one of those lovely skirts at the bottom- :)

  9. Halfway there!?! Yay, hooray! Good luck on the swimsuit venture!

  10. Hooray! I have heard of people having good luck with swimsuits at Target, but the ones at my Target are ugly. I ordered one from Isabella Oliver online-- it was pricey but actually less than the ones at Pea in a Pod (which I tried on and were terrible quality). I love the one I got from Isabella Oliver-- it's a simple tankini but the top is really long (which I'll need with twins in my belly), and the bottoms are comfy and soft with room to grow. Most of the ones in boutiques that I tried on were halter tops, which hurt my neck especially now that my "girls" are getting bigger by the day! Good luck :)

  11. I'm green with envy over here, but still soooooo happy for you. Half way there!!!

  12. Wonderful news on reaching the half-way mark :)) Thinking of you always xoxo


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