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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Teething, I hate you.

We are going on two nights of very little sleep in this house (thank God for coffee). 

Miss E is teething- one of her bottom teeth has broken through a tiny bit.  She is waking up at 11pm and 2am screaming her little head off.  We have tried having her chew on anything and everything but for some reason she does not want to chew.  The only thing that calms her down in the middle of the night is a bottle.

We've tried...

Humphreys "3" tablets
frozen or cold toys
teething pacifier
cold or frozen washcloths
frozen or cold fruit in a mesh feeder

the Humphreys has worked the best so far and the ty.lenol of course but I don't want to give her that all the time. I've heard from a couple of people that pure vanilla extract works well (has anyone tried this?)

Any other suggestions?


  1. So sorry Bridget! Besides your list above, one of my friends said that she would peal a banana and then put it in the freezer for a couple hours. Not so long that it was super hard, but so that it became just very cold. Her baby like the taste of the banana and then cool aspect helped ease her pain a bit. Hope you get some sleep soon!

  2. We tried everything but ended up just going with Tylenol. I asked my ped and he was good with us using it just at bedtime during those few days in a row when you just know the tooth is about to erupt. We've done it up to 6 days in a row every night and he's happier and we're happier and my peditrician has no issue with it. Just my two cents!

  3. Oh poor sweet girl, that sounds just awful! We haven't dealt with teething yet, and frankly I hadn't heard of the Humphrey's tablets, but I'll be sure and reference back to this and the comments you get when our time comes. Maybe mom and dad are all she wants right now? I know in the middle of the night that might not be the best answer though...

  4. I'm with you, Teething SUCKS! We tried Orajel but it wears off pretty quickly. I'm nervous about giving it to him more than just before naps. I've heard some kids have reactions to the numbing stuff in it. I hope this teething phase goes by quickly for us!

  5. The only thing that worked for my son was Hyland's teething gel. The gel is easy and they can get it every 15 minutes if necessary.
    My son wouldn't sleep at all and was super cranky without it.
    I highly recommend it and plan to use it when my daughter starts teething.

    This is what my friends all recommend and swear by...

    This worked MIRACLES for my daughter.

  8. i hope she feels better soon and you get some sleep. sorry i don't have any advice for you, so i'll just let you be my guinea pig and let me know what works. ;) ha ha!

  9. I heard the Hylands teething tablets work better than the Humphreys. Also, I heard baby ibuprofin works better than Tylenol because it is an anti-inflammitory and helps with the swelling. Hope this passes soon! :(

  10. Poor baby. Hope Em is feeling better soon.

  11. Just had our four month wellness visit today and we asked and the hylands teething tablets was mentioned to us as well. Good luck... we're right behind you with those mean teeth! :]

  12. Sorry this is off topic, but I think I remember you having some issues with your milk supply in some earlier posts. Did you take any supplements to help? My little guy is eating more & more (which is good!) and I'm not being able to keep up. I'm taking Fenugreek now but it seems to not be helping as much now. I'm also pumping every 2—3 hours. Thanks!

    1. I took more milk plus four times a day, ate a lot of oatmeal, drank lots of water and getting baby to breastfeed works better than pumping, but if you can't do that pump every 2-3 hours- even at night. Kelly Mom is a great site for bf and pumping

  13. Thanks! Unfortunately I can't breastfeed, my little guy has a syndrome and the roof of his mouth is wide open (basically, he has no roof of his mouth) so he can't get any suction. So he has a squeeze bottle we use. I think even at night is part of my problem....I sleep all night since he does (usually from 10p-4:30a). Guess I better quit being so lazy, huh? :) Thanks for your help!!

    1. I never wanted to get up and pump, I hear ya!

  14. I would also look into an amber teething necklace, it has worked wonders for my baby! Check out this seller's faqs for all the info. I love these necklaces, they're even great for headaches (I've had my own nacklace before!) :) Good luck!!


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