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Monday, March 21, 2011


I don't have a lot to report, which is a good thing in my book.  I'm feeling better in the nausea department, it still strikes from time to time but not nearly as often.  I'm still exhausted most of the day...of course until it's time for bed and then I'm wide awake.

I called my RE's office this morning and asked for a nurse.  The nurse picks up the phone and says, "Bridget, is everything ok??"  I guess they didn't expect to hear from me again... I was just calling to ask if we could get one last u/s next week (I didn't mean to throw anyone into panic mode).  After a sigh of relief, she asked when our next OB appointment was.  I told her it was April 11th and she said they wouldn't leave us hanging for that long and we could come in next Wednesday to see the baby.  I can't wait!

Happy first day of Spring!


  1. That's awesome how accomodating they are! Being an RE office, I'm sure they understand how long 3 weeks is to an IFer. Can't wait for more pics!

    (not that the prune isn't cute)

  2. Wow your nurse sounds lovely!Nice that they are so caring, and great you can get in for another scan and see your wee baby!xo

  3. I love your RE's office! More than that, I love that you're over 9 weeks!!!

  4. I am also thinking of calling my RE for one last U/S. I don't think I can wait until my first OB on the 31st. Good idea!

  5. That's great that they're going to let you come in for an u/s! April 11 is just toooo long to have to wait! I know this because that's the day I stop taking BC and it seems like it's forever away!!

  6. yah that is really awesome they will give you another u/s! i guess mine probably would have also, but ever since i found out that normally insurance only covers two u/s's per uneventful pregnancy (and of course they cover ones that are medically warranted), i worry about paying for them out of pocket- u/s's are not cheap!

  7. What a great office!!!!
    You should think about buying a doppler, so you can hear the heartbeat and feel comfort in that, whenever you slip into paranoia!!!!!!

  8. I had no idea you could request ultrasounds. Wow! Good to know and thanks for the congrats!! I am in shock. Complete and utter shock.

  9. 9 weeks! Yay! I am glad you get another ultrasound.

  10. How wonderful of them to offer an extra u/s! It's so nice that spring is here =)


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