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Monday, May 2, 2011

15 weeks 4 days

Not much to report... I'm still here, still pregnant and still happy to have made it this far!

On Saturday, we went to a friend's wedding and got to hang with a few of our amazing and supportive friends.

At the wedding reception

All of us at my birthday last year
I've only known these girls (and guys) for a couple of years; but they have been here for us through all of our losses and struggles in our baby making journey.  Not once did they utter the dreaded words, "just relax, it'll happen" or "why don't you just adopt?" I love them all so much!

The rest of the weekend Steve and I spent relaxing and doing a lot of nothing- it was fantastic.  On Sunday, we went golfing (well Steve golfed and I was along for the ride).  It was so nice to be outside with my husband watching him do something he enjoys so much. 

As far as my pregnancy goes, being in the second trimester has been a strange experience for me.  Since I'm not really showing, can't feel the baby moving yet, and don't have the unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester- I often have to remind myself I'm pregnant.  It's a very peculiar feeling.

I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Fun weekend! Sounds like you have a friend family like we do- it's so important!

  2. How nice to have such great supportive friends!!!

  3. Great pics! I'm sure all those feelings are just around the corner. I can't wait for you to feel her for the first time ;)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!!! I'm so glad the more unpleasant symptoms have faded away. Hoping you continue to feel well as your little girl grows!!!

  5. what a great weekend! it's so great that you have such awesome friends. having that support makes such a difference. i'm glad you're feeling better these days! i can't wait to hear about your first kick. ;)

  6. Sounds like a perfect weekend... and this is making me look forward to the second trimester! :]

  7. what wonderful friends and a great weekend.glad all is well!

  8. Glad to hear you are out of the icky sicky phase.

  9. Ahh you are having a little girl! How exciting to know. Glad all is well and that you are having lots of friends and family around for support. It makes such a difference.

  10. I'm happy that you have so much support. Funny that you need pregnancy reminders. Maybe your pants are not tight enough!

  11. Hey Bridget!
    Just wanted to let you know that I sent you a personal email the other day . . . not sure if it got lost in SPAM/Junk, but was hoping to send off a card to you for Mother's Day (thought it would be more personal), but looks like it wouldn't make it to you. I tried :)

  12. Bridget, I gave an award but see now that you already got them all =) Have a great weekend.


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