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Monday, February 10, 2014

Gavin's 1st birthday party- winter theme!

I figured I should probably do a post about Gavin's first birthday party before he's 2. 

On his actual birthday we had Grandma and Grandpa G. over for dinner and cupcakes.  Gavin was more interested in the candle burning than the cupcake- until he realized he could eat it.

That weekend we had a small get together at our house with family and friends, it was a perfect day minus the blizzard that was going on.  We were worried no one would be able to make it but thankfully everyone did!

I decided on a winter theme and loved how everything turned out!  Of course, pinterest and etsy were my best friends during the planning/purchasing.all.the.cute.stuff phase.

the invites- with his name- obvs

adopt a penguin, snowman lollipops, snowflake chocolate covered pretzels

the hot chocolate bar- yum!!

happy birthday penguin banner

and the cupcakes with toppers

We had so much fun celebrating Gavin!

Grandma and Grandpa G

Emily sneaking chips and dip

Gavin's godfather, Aaron, and his wife, Mara, came all the way from Maryland!

and Grandpa Mark came all the way from Illinois!

Our baby boy is ONE!

Gavin was so excited that he got more singing and another cupcake!

hand it over mom!

I love cupcakes! And mommy loves my shirt!

Even Emily was excited for Gavin- the whole week she kept saying, "it's G-booty's birthday!"  Until she realized we weren't singing to her and she wasn't going to blow out a candle....then she got sad.  So, Grandpa and I had to have a sidebar birthday song for big sister. 

It was a great day with family and friends, thanks to everyone who came!


  1. Love the theme. Love the decor. Love them babies of yours!

  2. Love the theme! Especially the hot chocolate bar...I want to do one of those! I love that you had to sing HB to HB too. That is hilarious...and I spy Minnie.

    And it's like Gavin all of the sudden looks like a straight up toddler. WTF?

  3. How fun! What a unique and fun theme, and mmmmm hot chocolate bar!!!!!!!

  4. So adorable, especially his excitement for the cupcake!


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