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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

16 weeks: round 2

I haven't blogged much about my second pregnancy, mainly because there isn't much to report.  Everything is going smoothly except for the scare last week.  Most days the only pregnancy symptom I have is being tired and that is more likely from running around after Emily.  I am starting to have some round ligament pain but it's pretty minor right now.

Here I was at 16 weeks with Emily

Here I am today

I had Steve take this picture because I actually showered and had clothes without baby food on them today.  I'll try to do that more often so I can keep up with the belly pictures, but I'm not promising anything...

And here is our teeny tiny baby boy

We are already in love.


  1. You look fantastic! So excited for you, your husband, Emily and.... new baby boy! :)

  2. You look wonderful! So glad this pregnancy is going well and you haven't had many symptoms for the most part. :-)

  3. Why can't I look like you pregnant?!?! You look so great!

  4. What a handsome little baby boy! :) And whoaaa those 16 weeks flew by...well for me anyways ;)

  5. Yeah!!! A boy!!!! Super excited for you!

  6. You look amazing!! So glad all is going smoothly :)

  7. Wow, you look fantastic! So glad things are going well!

  8. Aww, thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear things are going well, but we'd love to read about your pregnancy whenever you feel like writing about it! And you look fantastic in both pictures!!!

  9. I can't tell you how much I love this! And you look so awesome too! I honestly feel that being blessed with both a girl & a boy is beyond amazing and I am so happy that you get to have this experience also.

  10. You carry your babies SOOOO well. Lucky duck!

    Keep these posts coming!!

  11. Congrats on pregnancy #2!!!

  12. YAY for updates on round 2!!! You are looking great! The U/s pic is so cute!

  13. You look great, glad it is going well and hopefully no more scares for you!

  14. A boy!! Oh yay! They lovvvvvvve their moms.

  15. oh congratulations on expecting a boy! you look great!

  16. mamasita! you look so fabulous!


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