Emily (aka: Little Tiny),
This month has been our favorite so far (minus the bottle strike), you are the happiest you have ever been and you are so curious and funny! You are outgoing and brave when we are here at home and you are surrounded by people you know. As soon as we go somewhere new you clam up and observe everything and everyone around you until you are 100% comfortable and then you are your normal (wild) self.
You are learning your sense of humor and this never gets old. You'll hide in corners or behind walls and peek around to make us laugh. You will do anything repeatedly if it gets a laugh from your dad and I.
You have given us quite the fight when it comes to eating. You don't want your bottle and we have to distract you to get you to eat your big girl food. You would rather be playing and chasing the cats and dog. Your favorite thing to eat are raspberries, you would have them for every meal if we let you.
You started to crawl this month and took off like a pro!! You are trying to pull up on everything but haven't quite mastered this skill yet- you've done it once and I know you're going to be doing it a lot more very soon.
Our favorite things this this month are your cuddles and kisses. You will give a kiss if we ask- always with an open mouth. You love books, knocking down blocks, chasing the animals, and trying to find anything you aren't supposed to be getting into (cords, remotes, cell phones, and ripping up magazines).
You have become a very good sleeper (hallelujah!!). You take two naps a day and you are sleeping from 7-6:30 at night. We are hoping this continues!
We love you so much sweet girl!!