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Monday, April 11, 2011

OB appointment- 12 weeks 4 days

We had another great weekend and our doppler came in the mail so we've been listening to the baby's heart every night ♥ ♥ ♥

Today we had our OB appointment and it had to be the fastest appointment I've been through to this point.  The Dr. asked if we had any questions, pushed around on my belly and listened to the baby's heartbeat- which she estimated to be around 145.  Then she talked a little about non-stress tests that they would be doing every two weeks starting in the 3rd trimester.  She said they like to keep a close eye on the baby in the 3rd trimester since some IVF babies are high risk later in pregnancy.  The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and reactivity of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes. 

According to the Dr's scale I'm only up 1 lb since last month- so why does it feel like I've gained 20?  Those two pairs of pants I could wear last week did not fit today when I tried them on. 

Tonight Steve and I are going shopping with our contractor to pick out a tub- yay!!


  1. We have to go in twice weekly for nonstress testing. It is nice for me/us, it helps ease my worries and make sure she is healthy.

    I am glad all is ok with you and your little one.

  2. In and out is a good thing..that means your baby is growing perfectly :) So happy you got the doppler and you can listen to the heartbeat whenever you want. That must be so addictive!

  3. Yay!!!! The fast, in and out, you're right on track appointments must feel good! I'm very excited for you!

  4. So exciting!!! I love that you have the doppler. If IVF is successful for us, we're totally going to buy one! I'm glad your OB is being very diligent of watching over this precious little one on the way!!!

  5. an ultrasound, doppler and tub all in the same day- excitement! lol. sounds like the day is treating you well and so glad to hear the good news.

    thank you for such a sweet comment on my blog . .. it means the world!

    I have never been to the restraunt you mentioned, but will definitely get there next time I am home. I am a good ol primanti's girl! hopefully steve has forced you to go there!

    interesting that he grew up in saxonburg!!! i grew up in the north hills and now my mom lives on the north shore about 2 blocks from heinz field!

    here's to hines tonight on dwts!

  6. Love to hear things are moving right along with the baby and the tub project:] Hope we get to see pictures of both soon!

  7. That is great :) In and out means no issues!!! Have fun listening to baby's heart :)

  8. I'm sooooo happy for you guys. It must be great to hear the heartbeat every night, sort of satisfying/consoling if you know what I mean, to know that he's growing bigger and stronger every day.

  9. Have fun with the doppler! It's good to know your doctors are keeping an eye on you and your baby.

  10. Sounds like everything is going fine, wonderful to be able to hear the heartbeat anytime.

  11. I am with you, although I'm only 9 weeks, I have actually lost weight, and none of my pants fit. Guess things have shifted around, but I definitely have a poochy belly (it's bloating, not baby, but still! no pants to wear!). Glad you are doing well, the baby's heartbeat is the sweetest sound in the world :)

  12. Yah for a good appointment! Good luck with the tub.

  13. Hi Bridget! I got you all added to my list. :) Congrats on a strong heartbeat!!

  14. Sounds like you had a great appointment!! I'm down 3 pounds since 3 weeks ago and yet my pants were tight and felt uncomfortable buttoned today!! It's starting early!! lol


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